Bookssorted Pty Ltd
ABN: 85 169 295 461
First Floor, 1 Dickson Place,
Dickson ACT 2602
02 6161 8580
This form implements security policies and practices based on
Australian Government Information Security Manual
ACSC cyber security principles and guidelines including the Essential Eight Model, the Australian Privacy Principles and Privacy Act
All data captured and transmitted using this form is stored on secured Australian servers
In order to ensure quick processing of work-related expenses, please submit a valid tax invoice.
For more details on what constitutes a valid tax invoice, please refer to this ATO link
By signing this I agree to the following;
I certify that the claims listed in this form will be used primarily for work purposes
I am completely responsible for the claims listed above
I acknowledge that Bookssorted will not cover any liability or costs as a result of these claims
I understand that any work expenses reimbursed by Bookssorted are not deductible in my personal income tax return and is considered double-dipping
I understand that submission of false or misleading information may lead to serious tax offences and result in my claim being denied
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